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Self-service checkout counters are declining in popularity in the USA, but will this trend happen in Hungary too?

5/13/2024, 9:16:24 AM

Self-service checkout counters are declining in popularity in the USA, but will this trend happen in Hungary too? The spread of automated checkouts in English-speaking countries differs. In the USA and the UK, companies are moving away from self-service checkouts, while their use continues to grow in Hungary. However, self-service checkouts come with many problems, such as an increase in thefts and technical glitches. In this article, we explore why stores are reverting to traditional checkouts and why this trend is not observed in Hungary.
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In the United States, self-checkout counters are disappearing, while they continue to expand in Hungary. Major retail chains like Walmart and Costco are reevaluating their previous strategies, while Amazon is completely ending cashierless payment.

Despite Western press signaling negative changes, the spread of self-checkout counters in Hungary remains dynamic. But why are the United States returning to traditional checkouts while they succeed in Hungary? According to American experience, self-checkout counters cause more problems than they solve.

For instance, the number of thefts is significantly higher, and technical issues are not uncommon. However, in Hungary, such problems are less prevalent, and companies are appropriately optimizing the ratio of self-checkout counters to traditional checkouts. Ultimately, the business decision is based on store turnover and customer needs.

In Hungarian food retail chains, self-checkout counters often predominate, and although there are technical challenges, the overall experience is positive. However, it might be wise to turn to alternative checkout and payment methods in the future.

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