Sale price: 4999 Ft
Senior ajánlataink
Teljesen automatikus vérnyomás- és pulzusmérés a csuklónMandzsetta kb. 12,5-21 cm kerületű csuklóhozDátum- és időkijelzés*Gyógyászati segédeszköz: A kockázatokról olvassa el a használati útmutatót, vagy kérdezze meg kezelőorvosát!
From 1/23/2025
to 1/30/2025
We assume no liability for the accuracy of the price and product data of the shop partners.
Effortlessly create a shopping or grocery list: The app allows users to easily and quickly create a shopping list, facilitating efficient planning of purchases.
Categorize items into different sections for easy navigation: To facilitate easier finding of items, products can be categorized into different sections such as bakery, meat, beverages, etc.
Automatically generate list items based on past shopping history: The app automatically suggests list items based on past shopping history, enabling quicker and more efficient compilation of the shopping list.